
Meet Shawn, a passionate dog photographer whose journey began unexpectedly during the tumultuous times of the COVID-19 pandemic. When social distancing measures prevented him from pursuing his usual work as a video producer, Shawn found solace and inspiration in capturing the playful antics of his own dogs and close family members furry child.

What started as a creative outlet soon blossomed into a cool gesture as he gifted canvas prints of his family’s dogs during Christmas. As life gradually returned to normal, Shawn resumed his previous roles, but the spark ignited by his photography remained. In early 2024, fueled by his unwavering love for dogs and the art of photography, Shawn made the bold decision to turn his passion into his profession.

Now nestled in the scenic beauty of Colorado Springs, Shawn, alongside his fiancé and their loyal companion Nolan, embarks on a fulfilling journey, capturing the unique personalities of furry friends and meeting new people along the way.

All photos copyright Dogs In Frames 2023 – 2024